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Fiber Art
in Downtown Peoria Classes
Introduction to Crochet April 24, 2025
with Jacob Geiger

Introduction to Crochet
Instructor: Jake Geiger
Department: Fiber Arts
This class is designed to introduce participants to some of the basics of crochet: holding the hook, making slip knots, chaining, single and double crochet stitches, basic pattern and chart reading, and weaving in ends. The goal is for participants to leave the class with the skills to crochet a simple, single color "granny square."
Participants will receive a skein of yarn, set of aluminum crochet hooks, and a packet of patterns and instructions to help get them started on their crochet journey
Thursday April 24, 2025
Ages 16+
Cost: $35
Materials: All materials provided
Are you a Peoria Art Guild Member? Enjoy a 25 percent discount with code PAGMEMBER25. (Current members only!)
Will run